Monday, February 16, 2009

Grandma's Valentines Party

David & I hosted a Valentine's Party for our eight grandchildren on Saturday evening Feb. 14th! It gave each of their parents on opportunity to go out and celebrate while we had fun eating and playing with the grandkids!
We served the kids a dinner of pizza, breadsticks & vegies and dip.....there wasn't alot of eating going on, but there was a whole lot of fun!
The kids never get to sit at "the big table" when we have our family get they thought this was fun to be served by Grandma and Grandpa!

I went all out decorating for the big party!

This is our Bailee bug, who will be 8 on the 23rd of Feb and is getting baptized on the 28th!
This is our Sage who is 6 1/2 yrs old, doing one of her famous poises! This is our Kenadee, also 6 1/2, with her toothless hugh smile!

This is Hunter who will be five on the 23rd of Feb!
This is our Curtis, 4 1/2 yrs old....he has the biggest and best smile of all!

Eliza has just started doing her "Smile" for the camera....she will be three in May!

Our little Jade, just turned 2 in January! What a sweetie!!
And our youngest grandson, Jake will be two in April...he wasn't feeling well for the party!
We tried taking a group shot of all the kids, but the balloons kept getting in the way, and everyone kept moving around!

After dinner and the games, we all settled in for a movie and my famous homemade popcorn!
I had bought a new movie just for the party...which was actually an older movie called "An American Tale #2"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Family Bear Lake Trip

Our family weekend at our Bear Lake Condo was absolutely GREAT! The grandkids are getting where they play so well together and have so much fun together! Here are the oldest five in the indoor swimming pool! I love this picture of is so hard to get her to look at me and to smile!
Here is our handsome Curtis! He has the cutest smile!

The three oldest girls, Sage, Kenadee and Bailee and ganging up on Uncle Jason in the kiddie pool! He definitely deserved it!

Eliza and Jade are really starting to get along and enjoy coloring together!

Hunter, Jade and Eliza looked so cute on the floor coloring!

The adults had a great time, playing games, eating junk food and never having to get out of our PJ's! The new favorite game is Ticket to Ride
Doctor Jade is trying to fix Grandpa's heart...I wish it were that easy!

The kids loved the big pool, and kiddie pool and loved the foam off of the hot tub!

Grandpa Dave giving horsey rides in the pool....Bailee, Jake and Sage loved going on rides!